I came to Bangor in 2011 from Liverpool diocese where I was ordained in 2000. Prior to ordination I was a ward sister at the local hospital until ill health with M.E. meant I had to finish in 1990. It took me about 4 years to recover, although it never totally goes away, and it’s during that time God came knocking and wouldn’t give up!
Here in Bangor diocese have written Lent and Advent books, and have prepared liturgy for the diocese and for Mae Cymru. Whenever I write it’s with inclusive language, which I feel is really important and to move away from patriarchal language and imagery that is used for God within the liturgy of the Church.
I’ve been a part of Mae Cymru since it’s early days; although somewhat surprised to find myself co-convenor now! I have a very mixed and wide experience of ministry, the positive, and the not so positive; and know that for women both lay and ordained there is still work to do towards full inclusion and acceptance.
I am a Companion of Holy Rood House in Thirsk, Yorkshire a place of theology, healing and spirituality, and a member of the Guild of Health and St Raphael.

Revd. Janet Fletcher,
Chair - ordained