MAE Cymru meeting notes
Summary of 1 March discussion on how we would like to work on our 4 focus areas in 2022-23
Training Materials
Produced and offered worldwide by the Anglican Communion, God's Justice: Just Relationships between Women and Men, Girls and Boys is a set of study materials designed to deepen our scriptural and theological understandings of:
why human beings, women and men, girls and boys, have equal value and innate dignity
the implications of this for the sharing of power, knowledge and resources, and for freedom from cultural and interpersonal systems of privilege and oppression
why gender-based and domestic violence is a sinful perversion of our response to God’sï€ reconciling love for all people, and is therefore unacceptable, inexcusable and intolerable
MAE Cymru Annual Reports and Accounts
Annual report and accounts for the year ending July 2023
Annual report and accounts for the year ending July 2022
Annual report and accounts for the year ending July 2021
Reports and Statistics​
Authored by one of our members, the Todd Reports examine issues relating to equality and the representation of women in the Church in Wales:
​The History of MAE Cymru
Crossing Thresholds - a publication brought together by the St Deiniol's Group to mark the significant threshold of the episcopate being open to women
Notes on the launch of MAE Cymru
Highlights from MAE Cymru's first AGM - November 2016
Papers from the 2016 Conference - Over the Threshold: Wisdom Unfolding
Sermons from the celebration services for 20 years of the ordination of women to the priesthood in the Church in Wales